Mike Swiech is a Haligonian transplant from Ontario. He moved here with his then-wife and daughter back in 2013. He is an internationally published photographer. He is a self-taught photographer that has honed his craft by learning from his mistakes and keeps on improving. His passion right now is empowering women to showcase their beauty from within with emotionally charged images via boudoir and emotive portraits. His motto that he strives to ensure his clients adapt is “Embrace your imperfections”. He tells his clients that no one is perfect and everyone has some form of imperfection but rather than try to hide or mask it, you should rather embrace it. 
He currently is pursuing a 35mm film project that he hopes to release some time in 2020 and have his first gallery exhibition from this project. 
He is most proud of his daughter and the woman that she has become and no award or publication can touch that. 
If you want to follow his work you can do so via these social media outlets
Instagram – 
Facebook – 

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